Is it possible to burn more fat by doing less exercise?

 Is it possible to burn more fat by doing less exercise?

how to burn more fat by doing less exercise?

Burning more fat by doing less exercise
. Can we really burn more fat with less exercise ?. In this blog, we are finally gonna answer this question. Burning fat without doing any exercise is impossible.

But we can do some changes to our routine to make the workout suitable for you. That means for decreasing the duration and number of exercises you need to make up with more intensity. We will be going through burning fat with more exercises and burning fat with fewer exercises. In the end, let’s check both results and come to a conclusion.

How to burn fat?

First, let’s look at how to burn fat with more exercise. For this, we are going for Low-intensity exercise. Low-intensity exercises mainly focus on building endurance and burning fat.

But for this kind of workout, the number of exercises and duration will be greater. These types of exercises are the best for building up your aerobic capacity. 

Examples of low-intensity exercises are:

  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Yoga

This type of exercise can help to burn fat and improve your aerobic capacity, while also helping to reduce stress.

Now onto how to burn fat with less exercise. High-intensity exercise is an effective way to burn more fat with less exercise. Here both the number of exercises and duration are lower than in low-intensity exercise. But the intensity is far greater here. High-intensity exercise mainly focuses on exercises that we can do with high intensity for a shorter period. This type of exercise also increases your aerobic capability while burning more fat.

Examples of high-intensity exercises are:

  • Sprinting
  • HIIT
  • Tabata
  • Burpees
  • Jumping Ropes

These exercises help to improve your aerobic capacity and endurance and can help to burn more fat in less time.

Now let’s compare them and find out how to burn more fat with less exercise ?.

  • So the basic difference between both high and low-intensity exercise is the intensity. In high-intensity, the Intensity at which the exercise is performed is far greater than in low-intensity exercise.
  • The duration is greater on low intensity since these exercises make up for intensity using duration.
  • Low-intensity exercises are done at a slow pace, which means these exercises can also reduce your stress levels.
  • When it comes to burning fat both are great options to burn more fat while building up endurance.
  • High-intensity exercise also helps in building muscle faster compared to low-intensity workouts.

So it is possible to burn more fat with less exercise. In order to burn more fat with less exercise we need to do more high-intensity workouts. Basically, we are trading intensity for time.

Tips to maximize fat burning

Now Let’s look into ways where we can maximize burning fat. We know we can burn more fat with less exercise. But we need to maximize burning fat in order to achieve our dream physique faster. Nutrition and a balanced diet, are key to maximizing burning fat and gains. A balanced diet can boost your metabolism and reduce body fat. It also helps in improving your mood. As you know a healthy body can only be achieved with a healthy mind. Include more protein-rich and low in processed carbohydrates food to maximize your gains. Also, be sure to keep hydrated and avoid sugar as much as you can.


In conclusion, It’s a dream for most of us to burn fat and get our dream physique. A lot of us love to get that physique, but we might not have enough time to work out for that. As a solution for that we have found out in this blog that it is possible to burn more fat with less exercise. All you need to do is mix a bit of both High intensity and low-intensity exercise. But just exercising isn’t enough for your fitness journey. You also need to have good nutrition and a balanced diet. This can maximize burning fat and also improve your gains. Keep sugar out of your diet, Reduce the use of processed carbohydrates in your diet. Make sure to include high protein-rich food in your diet to increase your metabolism which can reduce your body fat. Finally, always drink water and stay hydrated. Good luck on your fitness journey!

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